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Thermal processes for your individual requirements – precise and cost-effective

From material hardening under heat, via tempering for gentle stress relief, to cooling down to room temperature – with CeraCon Thermal systems you can also master every processing step.

Curing, drying or gelling

Curing, drying or gelling

When subjected to temperature, certain materials undergo “physical changes”, e.g. viscous substances cure, casting compounds gel and adhesives dry out.

The heating process generally makes use of electrically heated circulating air; this can be enhanced by means of infrared radiation or induction as required.

Tempering and detensioning

Tempering and detensioning

Extreme temperatures during a production process can cause structural tension in certain types of materials. These can be gently reduced using thermal processes, for example tempering.



Heat changes the physical properties of materials, e.g. their viscosity or their willingsness to react. Furthermore, it may also change, affect or suppress the course of specific processes.

Cooling down

Cooling down

Generally speaking, the desired purpose of heat treatment within the manufacturing process is closely restricted by time and spatial factors. Returning parts to room temperature simplifies downstream  production stages. In this regard, we work with air circulation and a heat exchanger.

CeraCon Thermal systems at a glance

We offer the right thermal system for every challenge. With our extensive range of models we already satisfy many requirements. For all other cases we modify or design tailor-made solutions.

To the Thermal systems


Here you will find further information and downloads on CeraCon Thermal systems.

Downloads in other languages or on other topics can be found in our own Download Centre.


Do you have any questions, or would you like to specifically discuss your individual requirements in the field of automated temperature treatment? We are here for you.


Thermal systems

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